Friday, December 9, 2011

The Picture Book Is FINISHED!

So as it turned out my picture book process turned out a little strange and I was in such heavy crunch time making it in only 6 weeks, that posting progress totally slipped my mind. I really have to get on the ball, I know. But here are 5 more illustrations from the book. You'll have to buy it when it comes out to see more.

Title Page for The Lady and the Lion

The Lady and the Lion 

Title page for Iron Hans

Iron Hans 


I hope you enjoy them! The book will probably be for sale around early January. 

Friday, November 4, 2011

Hey there, I know it's been a few weeks. So obviously, it's November, and the middle of the semester. It would seem that re-starting a picture book, that's meant to take you all semester to complete, now is a bad idea. Regardless, that is what I've done, and it's going to be awesome.

I'm not doing my illustrations in the order that they will appear in the book, and I will be uploading them (or at least some of them) as I do them. So don't try and figure out what's happening in the stories based on the chronology of the illustrations posted here.

My book is a collection of four Grimm's Fairy Tales. There will be about 15 illustrations total and a cover. The cover will come at the very end. Here are two interior illustrations:

Title page

from Rapunzel

I hope you like them!

Friday, October 14, 2011

So none of my illustrations were chosen for the Children's Theater. I'm not cut up about it though. My classmates all did fantastic work. Here are some links to the artists who won:

Abby DeWitt
Always Dreah
Cassandra Lee
Jess Slavik
Randy Haldeman
Scarpo Studio

Congrats guys!

Friday, October 7, 2011

First Post/ First Senior Studio Project

It seems fitting that I start this blog with the first big project of my senior year at PCA&D. 

Our project was for the Broadway Children's Theater in Pitman, New Jersey. We had a list of shows that they'll be be putting on within the next year and we all did sketches for each show. After that three of our sketches were chosen to take to finish. We don't know whose illustrations they'll be using yet. I'll make a new post when we find out. Anyway, mine are for Peter Rabbit, Benjamin Franklin and the History of America, and The Wizard of OZ. Here they are:  

Hope you like them. :)